Saturday, March 17, 2012

Took a break... But I'm Back!

Hey Everyone!!!!
Long time no blog! I took a VERY long break due to homework, sports, and just a busy life! But now I'm back and ready to start posting again!!
I'm in LA for the weekend and today I'm going to American Girl Place! But I have a little predicament, I'm getting my doll Kanani's ears pierced and I'm getting her glasses, but I can't decide what outfit to get with my gift card! Here are my choices:

I play soccer so I thought I would be cool to have my dolls play too!

I don't have Maire-Grace but I think this would go well on Rebecca or Felicity 

I don't have a swimsuit for dolls yet, and I thought this would look nice on Kanani

What do YOU think I should get? Leave me a comment!

Its great to be back to posting! I missed you all!


  1. I like the swimsuit. I notice you have my blog for your poll....thanks! I didn't think you knew about it. :)
    (maker and writer of The Doll World)

    1. Hey Madeline!
      I'm Hermione from Hermione's Diary! My real name is Becca!
      I really LOVE your blog!
      P.S. I read your stories for Hermione's Diary Contest to my family and they LOVED it!! Also you said you have per 30 books in process, if you want I would love to read some of them, especially after seeing you write stories for Hermione's Diary!
      Have a GREAT Day!

    2. Well, that makes sense! If I start (or find) a awesome book I'm writing I'll post/send it to you!
