Thursday, August 11, 2011

Gift Card

Hey everyone!
My aunt, uncle and cousin's gave me a $75 American Girl gift card for my birthday I was wondering what to get with it!
And this is what I've chosen! 

I absolutely LOVE Marie-Grace, I still need a few more dollars (okay a LOT more) but I'm almost there! 


  1. Hi Becca!

    Thank you for participating in Shout-Out Your Doll Site! That's so awesome you got a $75 AG Giftcard from your family!! Marie-Grace is a very good choice! I love her outfits too! :)

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    Your Friend,

  2. Cool! I got that same gift card for my birthday!=D I got Kanani's starter collection! I also go it with some money I had:)
